The Pitfalls of ‘Learning on the Fly’: Why Early Learning Is Crucial

Hey everyone!

I want to share a story that got me thinking about the importance of early learning. The other day, I saw a video on Instagram that compared girls and boys, humorously suggesting that girls always prepare ahead of time while boys are like a pilot reading a “How to Fly” book mid-flight. While I don’t believe in such gender comparisons, the video reminded me of an important idea: waiting until the last minute to learn something can be a recipe for disaster.

I’ve heard this a lot from friends, colleagues, and others: “I’ll learn it when it’s necessary.” While it might seem like a practical approach, I’ve always believed this mindset has significant pitfalls. Here are three key reasons why this doesn’t work:

Reason One: Some Knowledge is Only Applicable if You Already Know It

Certain foundational concepts, like SOLID principles, algorithms, and design patterns, aren’t things you can just pick up when you need them. If you don’t know what a design pattern is, how will you know when to use it? When it comes to choosing a platform, framework, approach, architecture, or design pattern, you need to have the essentials down to make informed decisions.

Imagine trying to build a complex system without understanding the underlying principles. You might end up with a solution that’s not scalable or maintainable simply because you didn’t know there was a better way. Early learning equips you with the knowledge to recognize and apply the right tools and techniques when they’re needed.

Reason Two: Leverage Free Time to Build Knowledge

As Bill Gates says, “Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.” This quote perfectly captures the importance of continuous, incremental learning. When you have free time, that’s your opportunity to expand your knowledge and skills.

If you wait until a critical moment—like the need to implement a microservice architecture in a high-stakes project—you won’t have the luxury of time to learn and apply new concepts simultaneously. You’re likely overestimating your ability to learn complex topics quickly, especially under pressure. By using your free time to gradually build your expertise, you’ll be prepared when the time comes, and this steady accumulation of knowledge can have an exponential effect on your abilities.

Reason Three: Building Confidence and Reducing Stress

One more reason to learn early is the confidence and reduced stress that comes with being prepared. When you face a challenge, knowing you have the necessary skills can make a huge difference. It allows you to approach problems calmly and methodically, rather than scrambling to learn on the fly, which can be stressful and lead to mistakes.


The story of the guy reading a “How to Fly” book while piloting an airplane is a perfect metaphor for why learning on the fly is not a good strategy. Early learning ensures you’re equipped with the knowledge you need, builds your confidence, and reduces stress in critical moments. So, take the time to learn and grow continuously—you never know when that knowledge will come in handy!

Thanks for reading! I’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic. Leave a comment below and let’s discuss!

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